techcanuck2mo ago

Supported Windows Versions for RMM

What versions of Windows will the RMM support? We just tried an Win7 Pro machine and were met with alot of missing dependencies, so we're wondering what the min version is for the RMM software?
Operating systems need to be supported by the vendor — so Windows 10+ and 2016+ (I have seen it working on a handful of 8/2012 in the wild though)
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10 Replies
Spac3_J0ck3y ( David Spitzer )
Do you allow machines that old in your infrastructure to be connected online?
Mikel2mo ago
Operating systems need to be supported by the vendor — so Windows 10+ and 2016+ (I have seen it working on a handful of 8/2012 in the wild though)
gregc002mo ago
We're still keeping our old RMM around for the few Win 7 machines we still support - we're working with our clients because it's well past time to replace them. At this time G runs and functions on 64-bit 2012/2012R2 but we find the agent service dies and needs to be manually restarted every few days. (It's also well past time to replace THEM). We also have some Win10 32 bit industrial control systems we manage, can't replace them yet.
techcanuckOP2mo ago
@gregc00 yeah it's not ideal; they're hyper isolated but they're provided by a German MFG and tied into a muli-million dollar press with custom software. It's not ideal, but not everything is as simple as saying 'it all has to be replaced or we won't even help with it'. They have a new one on order but it's 18months to delivery.
gregc002mo ago
Agreed, that's why we're keeping our old RMM around...I'd like it if G was able to support WIn7 but I'd rather their team work on other things. Win10/11 32-bit is another matter
techcanuckOP2mo ago
I'd agree; we'll work around it for now - just a matter of 'does it work' ,and it seems like no.
lemachet2mo ago
ive got it running fine on a 2x 2012 R2 servers, but there's another oe i can';t get it running on
gregc002mo ago
I think we have all of our 2012 & R2 servers working OK. It's usually a matter of a) upgrading Powershell b) managing TLS versions, c) confirming 64-bit and d) setting services to restart on failure (which happens frequently on the old slugs) Mikel sent me a script which I added a little to and saved as "gorelo-preflight.ps1" I usually just paste it into an elevated powershell...
lemachet2mo ago
yea, im sure it's just something dodgy on that server. it's my internal one which I'm just waiting opportunity to decomm, so i dont care so much
techcanuckOP2mo ago
Thanks folks, this helps.

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